Legionellosis, commonly known as Legionnaire’s Disease, is a potentially fatal infectious disease caused by Gram negative, aerobic bacteria belonging to the genus Legionella. Over 90% of legionellosis cases are caused by Legionella pneumophila, a ubiquitous aquatic organism that thrives in temperatures between 77 and 113 °F. Potential sources of such contaminated water include cooling towers used in industrial cooling water systems as well as in large central air conditioning systems, evaporative coolers, hot water systems, showers, windshield washers, whirlpool spas, architectural fountains, room-air humidifiers, ice making machines, misting equipment, and similar disseminators that draw upon a public water supply. Legionella and other water borne pathogens that can be found in industrial water systems can be controlled with proper chemical treatment and oversight by Glacier Laboratories’ staff members.
Protect Your Facility from Legionella
Trust Glacier Labs for Expert Pathogen Control.